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Power Apps per app plan

New Pricing and licensing plans for Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

New Pricing and licensing plans for Dynamics 365 and Power Apps

Users of Dynamics 365 CRM and ERP family, there’s some interesting news from Microsoft. Earlier this year, Microsoft announced to make a few changes in the pricing and packaging of Dynamics 365 CRM and ERP applications. The proposed changes will take effect from Oct 1.

According to official news, the new model enables Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement to be sold as a base type license along with a few “attach licenses” with huge discounts. The current process $115 per month is reduced to $95 per month. The “one-size-fits-all” concept is now replaced with solutions that fit specific needs of customers.

There is also news about Power apps being affected with new pricing and licensing. There are two types of plans of Power Apps: Power Apps per user plan and Power Apps per app plan. These are also specified according to customers’ needs.

More details can be found on Microsoft original announcement article.

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